
Vek je iba číslo! 13 štýlových párov, ktoré to dokazujú


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Koľkokrát a pri akých príležitostiach si počul od niekoho vetu: “Vek je iba číslo!”? Či už ide o vekový rozdiel medzi partnermi alebo o ľudí, ktorí jednoducho nestarnú. Presne tento prípad nastáva pri pohľade na fotky párov z dnešného príspevku. Vyšší vek a dokonalý štýl sa vzájomne nevylučujú. Ba čo viac, idú ruka v ruke.

Koľkokrát sa otočíš sa dobre oblečenou kočkou alebo frajerom? A potom si v duchu hovoríš, kiežby si mal taký štýl. Dokombinovať k sebe výrazné a moderné kúsky oblečenia nie je také jednoduché. Človek chce upútať, no ľahko sa stane, že konečný výtvor sa skĺzne to totálneho gýču. Na to, aby si sa vkusne obliekol, neprehnal to, vyzdvihol svoje prednosti a zaujal svoje okolie potrebuješ vkus a cit pre módu. A ten teda nemá len tak hocikto.

No keď máš tieto vlastnosti raz v sebe, nestratia sa ani vekom. Možno práve rokmi sa na teba nalepí viac skúsenosti a vycibríš si svoj vlastný štýl, z ktorého budú ostatní padať na zadok.  Tak to je aj pri pároch z tohto príspevku. Vek im nič neubral, práve naopak, pridal. A bol riadne štedrý.

Veď posúď sám. Mnoho mladých ľudí sa musí obzerať za týmito pármi. Dokonalo zladení a čo viac, veľmi vkusne oblečení. Doplnky, vlasy, oblečenie, všetko sedí tak, ako má. Presne podľa najnovšej módy a skvelého vkusu. Vidno, že títo ľudia majú nie len krásny vzťah jeden k druhému, ale aj k móde a obliekaniu. Akoby práve odišli od štylistu. A svojím výborným vkusom sa radi pochvália aj na svojich instagramoch. Čo na nich hovoríš?


Bon a Pon z Japonska


Günther a Britt z Nemecka

#bohemian #mensclothing #womensclothing #manwithstyle #womenwithstyle #classymen #classywomen #bestdressed #fashionman #fashionwoman #bestager #womenshats #menshats #womenstyle #menstyle #accessories #womenswear #menswear #friends #gentstyle #dandy #gentlewoman #gentleman #gentlemanstyle #womenwithclass #sprezzatura #menspiration #womeninspiration #

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Nazare a Eduardo z Portugalska

LOVE…❤️ captured by @advancedstyle , what a joy it is to meet amazing people!!! #truelove #togetherforever #advancelove #advancestyle #familyovereverything #retrolook #vintagelove

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Capturing our love in photographs, was an amazing experience with @advancedstyle soo many great moments, we will never forget… #lifeasbeengoodtome #luckyme #advancelove #advancestyle #truelove#rockabillylifestyle #vintagelove #vintagelife #retrolook #retroliving #everythingisawesome #togetherforever #instalife

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Dolores a Allan z USA

More #AdvancedLove with @dforsythejewelry and Allan on the blog today. Read below and check out more on the blog Advanced.Style. Allan: We’ve been together a little over 30 years. This is our second marriage. We met November 16, 1986 in New York City at The Arcadia Restaurant 61 East 61st street where we had lunch and we’ve been together ever since that moment. Dolores: But, there was a magic moment where our knees touched under the table and that’s where the sparks flew. I don’t think we’ve had one of those easy everyone’s happy kind of marriages. I think we were both very strong willed. We were already set in our careers and our lifestyle. We worked at this marriage. Allan: Yes we have. Dolores: And I think that’s what makes it work. Allan: We had to come this place where we were both independent and we are pretty much there now. Of course I think that our marriage, our relationship is always a work in process and we each maintain our own places in life, we each have our own interests and we share many many wonderful times together. Dolores: I think the thing that makes our marriage work is freedom, Allan gives me tremendous freedom to do, I mean look at me, I am the woman that he has allowed for me to create for myself. Allan. It’s not a question of allow I could no more stop you than I could fly to the moon. Dolores: And I also think its patience. When you get to where you have been married for so long that you finish each other’s sentences. That’s kind of where we are right now. Allan: This is the best part of my life, being with her, and looking forward to spending time with her.

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Meridy a Peter z Austrálie



Bill a Eva z USA


Manželský pár z Tokia

I'll be posting #Advanced Love ❤️ photos over the next few days leading up to Valentine's Day. This is one of my favorite shots from my latest book #advancedstyleolderandwiser shot in Tokyo a few years ago. Share the love by posting photos of inspiring older couples in your lives with the #advancedlove

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Valerie a Denton z USA

Valerie and Denton at BBar

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Paul a Tutti z Austrálie

Married to this guy for nearly 40 years. ❤️ #love #marriage #celebration

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Barbara a Wayne Chapman z USA

More Advanced Love with Barbara and Wayne Chapman on the blog today Advanced.Style #advancedstyle #advancedlove #advancedstyleolderandwiser #love #color #holidays

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Mort a Virginia Linder z USA

Mort and Virginia Linder share the secret to their 53 year love in the latest #advancedstylestories audio clip on the blog today

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Karen a Greg zo Spojeného kráľovstva


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